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Sichuan Energy Investment Suining LNG Storage and Peak shaving Base Successfully Delivered
新闻来源:    点击数:1174    更新时间:2023-4-6    收藏此页

      On April 6th, our company provided a complete set of large split type LNG vaporizer and cryogenic storage tanks for the owner Sichuan Nengtou Suining LNG storage and peak shaving base, which have all arrived and been successfully installed. The EPC general contractor for this project is Southwest Branch of China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd. After delivery, the owner and EPC company highly recognize our professional technology, product quality, and timely delivery.

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上一篇:The large-scale ambient vaporizer designed and manufactured according to ASME+U stamp with NB, will   下一篇:Jinan Nancaofan LNG Reserve Peak shaving Station's

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