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Triumph assists in ensuring gasification and supply at the Yangtze River LNG receiving station
新闻来源:    点击数:1275    更新时间:2023-9-1    收藏此页

      On September 1st, our company successfully won the bid from Anhui Provincial Tendering Company for the large-scale split type and high-pressure LNG vaporizer of Anhui Yangtze River Liquefied Natural Gas Co., Ltd., which was delivered to Wuhu in batches and installed in place. This is another tens of millions level LNG receiving station gasification group project of our company, fully reflecting our company's comprehensive strength and the ability to fulfill tens of millions level projects, ranking first in the industry. The completion of this project will contribute to the gasification and supply guarantee capacity of the Yangtze River LNG receiving station.

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上一篇:Our company participated in the world's most influential Gastech international industry exhibition   下一篇:Triumph participated in the preparation of the GB standard

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E-mail: sales@triumph-china.com
Address:No.33 Hongxiang Road,Wuxi Economic Development Zone(Hudai Town),Jiangsu,China.
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