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Our company participated in the world's most influential Gastech international industry exhibition
新闻来源:    点击数:1247    更新时间:2023-9-5    收藏此页

      On September 5th, our company participated in the world's most influential Gastech international industry exhibition. This exhibition is a high-quality quadrennial exhibition and forum for the world industrial gas and LNG industries, held grandly at the Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Center. Many foreign investors are very interested in the new technologies and products exhibited by our company. Our company's participation in this international exhibition will greatly enhance its international reputation and industry position, achieving good results.

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上一篇:Triumph won the Innovative Product Award for Skid Mounted SCV   下一篇:Triumph assists in ensuring gasification and supply at the Yangtze River LNG receiving station

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E-mail: sales@triumph-china.com
Address:No.33 Hongxiang Road,Wuxi Economic Development Zone(Hudai Town),Jiangsu,China.
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